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Welcome to the Flotilla 2-3, District 8CR Web Site

Navajo Lake - Flotilla 2-3
Division 2, 8th District Coastal Region

Date Established: June 06, 1974



Boat On water

Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 2-3 is based at Navajo Dam ( New Mexico ) and at Arboles Colorado. The flotilla is part of Division 2 in the District 8 Coastal Region.

The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary is the uniformed volunteer component of the United States Coast Guard, created by an act of Congress in 1939, the Auxiliary directly supports the Coast Guard in all missions except military and law enforcement actions.

You do not have to own a boat or participate in water-based operations to join the Auxiliary.The Flotilla is very active in patrols and search and rescue on the 15,000 acre lake.

New members are very welcome and a full information packet is available on request.